Two who need attached PDF

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  • #15769 Reply
    Pierre Cavalli


    The plugin works great i love it, but i want some help, we are two persons who need to get the pdf attached to the e-mail. Only me (the admin) gets the attached pdf, the other one just gets the customized email but without the pdf…

    #15772 Reply

    PDF attachments are sent to ALL of the form’s email actions, there is not a way to disable to the attachment for some of the emails. You can, however, disable attachments and instead add the shortcode to the email message that should get the PDF and don’t add the shortcode to the email action that should not get the PDF.

    We remain at your service.

    #15779 Reply
    Pierre Cavalli

    Thats no problem, i dont need to disable it ofcourse… But only one of us is getting “Here is the pdf” + attached pdf…. The other one is just getting “Here is the pdf” but no attached pdf.. Do i need to write any code in the message for it go get attached?

    #17010 Reply

    I think I’m having the same problem as Pierre, in which, the question hasn’t been answered.

    I have two Email Notifications. The first goes to our administrator, the second is a confirmation to the user that their request has been submitted. We would like both emails to include an attachment of the form. However, only the first email has an attachment.

    How can we set things up so both Email Notifications include the attachment?



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