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No active site?

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  • #12167 Reply

    I used this plugin without problems, but after I made a change to a form today (I removed a field) the plugin stopped working like it should. I don’t see field previews in the Field Map Designer anymore and I can’t seem to save new field maps. When I go to the ‘activated forms’ tab I get the following message “you do not have any active sites”. What does this mean and how can I solve this?

    #12168 Reply

    This problem is solved. The field previews in the Field Map Designer still doesn’t show up, but at least I can use and update the form again. When I logged in again the name of my site was back at the ‘activated forms’ tab and now I can edit and update forms again so the problem is solved.

    #12169 Reply

    Thank you for letting us know! We had an issue with the server following a software update, however, all is working as expected now, please let us know if you experience any further issues.

    We remain At Your Service.

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