IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!

Data mapping not reliable, sometimes field data gets mapped, but not always.

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Data mapping not reliable, sometimes field data gets mapped, but not always.

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    I have three separate dropdown fields on the Webform that are mapped to PDF, but the data is NOT getting mapped when submit and PDF is generated.
    When PDF is created, those particular fields on the PDF remain blank. Seems the data is not being transferred from the Webform to the PDF.

    This is happening sporadically, the checkmarks may get mapped and filled sometimes, but usually they do not.

    I have double checked that the field names match exactly on webform and PDF, and also the options match exactly. Yet the data is not being transferred from webform to the PDF.

    Support request submitted.


    We are receiving a “ERROR 504 – GATEWAY TIMEOUT”, likely due to the number of signatures. Ask your hosting provider to change the following PHP settings;

    memory_limit = 512M
    post_max_size = 512M
    output_buffering = 4096
    max_execution_time = 300
    max_input_vars = 4000

    Let us know when the changes are made so we may continue to test the installation.

    We remain at your service.


    I changed the PHP settings on my website as you recommended. Can you take a closer look?


    We found a couple of issues and are working on completing your form, we’ll reply again once we are done.

    We remain at your service.


    Our apologies, however we have located a bug that may have been introduced in a prior update. The good news is we have found a work-around, and tested it on the applicant’s Annual Income, Net Worth and Liquid Net Worth form fields.

    The workaround…
    1. PDF fields that are to be populated by a Formidable dropdown (or radio button) fields are currently PDF “checkbox” fields, they must be changed to PDF “radio button” fields.
    2. To duplicate PDF checkbox fields: You must uniquely name the duplicate PDF radio button field and map both PDF fields to the one Formidable button field.

    Plugin update…
    We will work on an update to fill all duplicate PDF radio button and checkbox fields based on a single mapping, and to work with PDF checkboxes the same as PDF radio buttons. NOTE: PDFs handle checkbox fields differently than radio buttons fields, however, we should be able to make them work the same.

    Let us know if you have any issues correcting the (co-acct) fields, as we remain at your service.


    I’m still having issues, several fields are not merging. I have converted all PDF checkboxes to radio buttons, and created unique PDF fields (no duplicates). Still, some fields are not merging. I cannot go live until this is resolved, I need further assistance. See my email to support.


    Resolved! Thanks for all your help. The issue is that I had some fields using a “dash” and other fields using a “hyphen”, which I did not realize are actually different ASCII characters. So there was a mismatch between the webform and the PDF, hence some of the fields were not merging.
    In the end, I’m glad anyway that I change all the PDF checkbox fields to PDF Radio fields, since this is more correct (since they were meant to be single-option only, not multi-select.)
    Thanks for your support, you’ve been very responsive and willing to help.

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