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pago paypal mexico

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  • #19502 Reply
    Hugo Arturo Santiago Jimenez

    soy de méxico y me gustaría saber si hay forma de realizar el pago mediante deposito bancario ya que no cuento con paypal

    #19503 Reply

    We accept bank transfers using Zelle – have your bank send the payment to our email address support AT formdiablepro2pdf DOT com…

    We remain at your service.

    #19509 Reply
    Hugo Arturo

    perdón no entendí aquí en mexico esta banorte, bancomer, banamex, hsbc a que numero de cuenta lo deposito y como te hago llegar la ficha de deposito, por lo regular se escanea y se envía

    #19523 Reply

    We are not able to accept direct deposits into our account using our bank account number. You would need to wire transfer from your bank account to ours using Zelle or any other similar bank-to-bank service which only requires our email address. Or, use a pre-paid credit card though Paypal.

    We remain at your service.

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