IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!


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  • #21533 Reply
    Catherine Collett

    We recently migrated our site to wpengine, and now there is the following error coming up on the formidable pro2pdf plugin: Folder /nas/content/live/myoaustin/wp-content/plugins/formidablepro-2-pdf/fields should be writable. Please change its permissions to 777.

    I asked their support what to do and they say that folder should be writable with default permissions, but that they absolutely can’t change them to 777 as this causes vulnerabilities. They said to ask you if there is a way to disable that check.

    Please advise. Thank you!

    #21538 Reply

    As long as the folder exists and is writable (permissions don’t need to be 777), there will not be an error.

    Check to make sure the folder exists and is writable, other users who cloned a site found that folder to be missing. If the folder is there and is writable, and you still receive an error, let us know.

    We remain at your service.

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