IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!

Forms not Loading

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  • #49138 Reply
    Ryan Dame

    We are experiencing a lot of 504 timeout errors when we try to view the merged PDFs.

    It also happens most of the time (50%+) when I try to export from the backend. Both were previously working fine. Our memory limit is 512mb which should be enough.

    The “Launch Form/Independent Contractor Application” form is pretty long and the one that typically times out.

    I saw the red banner on the top of your site to install the updated plugin and I tried this on a Staging site and I now just get the error “PDF source can’t be loaded.” every time. I also tried deactivating other plugins and it didn’t solve the problem.

    #49179 Reply

    Complete this form if you are still experiencing this issue so that we may log in and check your installation.

    Or, send the server logs to support AT to determine where to begin troubleshooting the issue.

    We remain at your service.

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