IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!

PDF only attaches successfully to one email notification

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  • #49269 Reply

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the correct way to get support but I hope you can help. I’ve been successfully using Formidable Forms and PRO2PDF for a number of years on a site ( but I’ve come to update the PDF templates and I’m getting a problem where the PDF attaches successfully to only one email notification – there appears to be a PDF with the email but it is zero K.
    I’ve tried setting the PDF to attach to just one email and that works – so it’s not a problem with the email message but that it isn’t able to attach to multiples.
    I’ve been on this all day having updated all plugins etc, deactivating the plugin licence and reconnecting but the issue still remains.
    I hope you can offer some help please otherwise I may be in need of an alternative, thanks

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