Formable upgrade

Home Forums Pre-Sale Formable upgrade

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  • #5860
    Jim Solheim

    I am the IT Coordinator for our Small charter school in Minneapolis , we are a 100% free or reduced lunch school. Our kids are all from very low income families. Our funding comes from student count and donations so we dont have much of a Tech budget to work with. We are attempting to add forms to our web site and found that your software would be ideal for our needs. I am hoping that you may have the ability to work out something so we would be able to create more than 1 form at possibly educational pricing. I’m sure we wouldn’t be using more than 10 forms . If something can be worked out we would sure like working with you and using your form building software. If you can find time please respond to us so if you cant help us we have time to keep looking.

    Thank you very much for your time and hope to hear back soon

    Jim Solheim
    IT Coordinator
    Cedar Riverside Community School
    Minneapolis,Mn 55454


    Contact support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com for consideration.

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