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PDF Form Options

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  • #9234 Reply
    Sally Archambault


    I have very specific requirements. Have a multi-page form “template”. Someone will sign in to the website and fill in the required and optional variable fields:

    Logo (a graphic file to be uploaded during process), name, address, and then a variable number of text items to be appended to a set of selection boxes.

    I would then want to generate a dynamic PDF using these fields, where a few fields are ‘interactive’.

    The user would then download this form to their own environment for local use.

    Can I use your product to help me with this set of requirements?


    #9235 Reply

    Yes, it sounds like the plugin is exactly what you’ll need to complete the requirements outlined above.

    Question: Do you already have a PDF form ‘template’ that needs to be filled in?

    If not, you’ll need to create the PDF form before using the plugin, which is designed to populate a PDF form with user data entered into a web form.

    We remain at your service and would be happy to help you with your project if needed.

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