504 Gateway

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  • #49671 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    When attempting to export a PDF containing more than 130 fields, we encounter a 504 Gateway Time-out error. Despite reaching out to server support and implementing the required adjustments, the issue persists. Additionally, we have conducted troubleshooting by disabling other plugins, but this has not resolved the problem

    #49672 Reply

    For best results, it’s necessary to optimize the PDF and the Formidable Form Signature Field. Here are some additional ways to speed up the process and/or extend the timeout limit.
    – Compress the PDF form to the smallest possible file size. (Less than 100k if possible)
    – Create a uniquely named Text Field for each signature on the PDF and map each of them to one single Formidable Form Signature Field.
    – Decrease the Signature Field Multiplier (resolution) using this code.
    – Disable the PDF Attachment and add a shortcode link to the email body so the user can download the PDF on-demand rather than as an attachment.
    – Increase the following PHP settings;
    max_execution_time = 600
    max_input_time = 600
    max_input_vars = 4000
    memory_limit = 512M
    post_max_size = 256M
    session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

    If you need additional assistance, provide the following with your reply.
    – Confirmation of the above suggestions, what was and was not done.
    – Copy of the PDF Form that is uploaded to the plugin
    – How many signature fields are on the form? (Signatures take more time to process the merge which can cause the timeout error.)

    We remain at your service.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by admin.
    #49678 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    any update?

    #49680 Reply

    See our reply above and let us know the update.

    We remain at your service.

    #49683 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    I responded a few days ago, but unfortunately, it seems that my reply did not get recorded here. I carefully double-checked to ensure that I had successfully submitted it, and indeed, it was submitted. However, for some reason, it hasn’t been reflected in the records. My response included a link to screenshots for reference.

    #49684 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    I suspect that this form may not allow the submission of screenshot links.
    The server settings is properly set.
    Fields are more than 130.
    Compress pdf file is at 1.1MB

    I attempted to reduce the size of the PDF file through compression, but even after the process, the file remained at 1.1MB.

    Please expedite the solution process as our client requires this to be functional as soon as possible.

    #49687 Reply

    We have not received any other messages or responses to our questions. At this point, we may need to troubleshoot the issue by logging into the site. Complete this form to provide permission and credentials or the requested information and any screenshots for further review.

    We remain at your service.

    #49690 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    There was a problem with your submission. Errors are marked below.
    Your entry appears to be spam!

    Upon attempting to submit the form, an error message was displayed without specific markings for the identified errors. The message indicated a problem with the submission, suggesting it might be categorized as spam.

    #49691 Reply

    Spam checking is temporarily disabled; please try again.

    We remain at your service.

    #49695 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    Done submitting Support Request

    #49701 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    Hi,any update?

    #49706 Reply

    Formidable’s signature fields are known to use a lot of memory, and with 11 signatures, it appears you’ve passed the capabilities of the plugin, which varies depending on your web server. We successfully tested the form with five signatures.

    They recommend “You can either increase the memory limit on your site, or decrease the image resolution

    Try decreasing all signature field resolutions to half.
    Break up the PDF into two PDFs.
    Upgrade to our newest PDF plugin, E2Pdf for far superior performance. E2Pdf processes signatures differently and will render the eleven needed. It’s the most powerful PDF creator for WordPress, and there’s a migrate tool on the plugin’s site to convert PRO2PDF templates to E2Pdf templates.

    We remain at your service.

    #49713 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    If I currently have a license for FormidablePRO2PDF, am I allowed to use it for E2PDF?

    #49714 Reply

    It looks like your account is eligible for migration. Try entering your email and key here.

    We remain at your service.

    #49724 Reply
    Marquita Carlos

    We have purchased an additional license for e2pdf. Are we eligible for a refund?

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