Add a signature

Home Forums Feature Requests Add a signature

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  • #15091 Reply
    E fatihy

    I want to add a signature button that will redirege the pdf document to the universing interface for the sign

    #15092 Reply

    Please elaborate on your question. Are you referring to an online signature service such as Adobe e-sign or docusign? Or, are you referring to Formidable’s signature add-on plugin?

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    #15115 Reply

    I created two form with formidable form pro after I use formidable PRO2PDF to map the form data with 2 PDF template
    I want to sign both documents with an electronic signature otherwise I want to send the document result to a universid API, the document which is in peice attached explains how to send the documents to sign

    I have the procedure to integrate the universign API (API based on the protocol XMLRPC and php)

    I have a formidable license form pro and formidablepro2dpf
    thanks for the help

    #15123 Reply

    Currently, PRO2PDF only supports Formidable’s signature add-on plugin. Install the add-on and then map the signature field to a PDF text field (not a PDF signature field)

    We remain at your service.

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