Tagged: pdf field
- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by admin.
David PintoParticipant
Hello, I have recently acquired a website with formidable forms and forms2pdf installed. Now i have added a field to the form asking for company name, how can i also add this field to the pdf. I have tried editing the JSON file from the export but that did not work out. Thank you
adminKeymasterPRO2PDF does not add form fields to PDF files, it simply merges data from Formidable Form Fields to existing PDF Form Fields. You must add PDF form fields using Adobe Acrobat or another Adobe Form app such as PDFEscape.com.
We remain at your service.
David PintoParticipantDo you have any tutorials to then link the form field with the pdf field?
adminKeymasterHere’s the demo video, and here’s an important pointer not mentioned in the video…
. On the SETTINGS tab, select the option to “Enable automated layout creation for new field maps”.
. Name PDF fields EXACTLY the same as the corresponding Formidable Form field name. If there are more than one field with the same name then name the PDF field the same as the Formidable Form field ‘key’ which will allow the plugin to auto-create the field map layout.Let us know if you require further assistance as we remain at your service