Adobe Acrobat could not open because it is not a supported file type…..

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Adobe Acrobat could not open because it is not a supported file type…..

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  • #18907 Reply

    I have created a form and a sample submission of the form. I uploaded a .pdf file with form fields that coincide with the Formidable form that I created. I mapped the form to the pdf. When trying to view the and meged result, I receive the following error.

    “Adobe Acrobat could not open ‘fp2p_demo.pdf’ because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged …… ”

    I did the same using the provided demo form and pdf file. I received the same error.

    Please help

    #18908 Reply

    Complete this form if we are able to login and take a look at the installation. If not possible, then upload the original PDF form and we’ll start with that.

    We remain at your service.

    #18912 Reply

    I’ve staged this on my localhost and cannot provide you access to it.
    I’ve submitted a support ticket, uploading the original PDF form. I’ll also see if I can try it out on my live site.

    #18913 Reply

    The plugin requires internet access unless you purchase the intranet version. Try the live site and let us know if you are still having issues.

    We remain at your service.

    #18914 Reply

    I successfully implemented FP2PDF on my live site.
    Interestingly, on the localhost, when working in the Field Map Designer, the PDF Form Field Names did ont show up in a drop-down. I uploaded and removed my PDF document twice and this did not change. So, i manually entered the field IDs from the PDF document. This must be the source of my PDF creation problem. The question becomes, why was the PDF document not read correctly in the localhost?

    #18915 Reply

    You must have PDFtk installed on your local server, and you need the intranet version of the plugin to create PDFs offline.

    We remain at your service.

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