After clicking submit our pages are now return error 500 instead of creating pdf

Home Forums Pre-Sale After clicking submit our pages are now return error 500 instead of creating pdf

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  • #3561 Reply
    Tim Doerr

    We have been using product for over a month. Now when users submits new application or preregister here it returns error 500 instead of presenting pdf and email to us. Inside of dashboard I see entries.

    #3562 Reply

    Sounds like something changed…
    . Do any other merge layouts work?
    . Can you merge PDFs from the plugin screen?
    If yes to any of the above, please provide a screenshot of the shortcode for both forms.
    If no to all of the above, we may need to take a look at your installation, if possible please send login credentials to support (at) formidablepro2pdf (DOT) com.

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