Checkbox issue, one check is fine, multiple shows empty

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Checkbox issue, one check is fine, multiple shows empty

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  • #5686 Reply

    Have a form with one question having checkboxes. In this question you can check multiple boxes. If I check one box the pdf shows fine, if I check more than one box, all boxes are blank.

    #5687 Reply

    It sounds like all your PDF form’s checkboxes have the same name… To configure Formidable’s Checkbox fields for “Multi-Select” values…
    . Enter a unique name for each PDF Checkbox.
    . Change the “Value” of each PDF Checkbox to match one “Value” of the Formidable Checkbox.

    If you have setup like the above directions, please email a link to the Formidable form and a copy of the pdf for further assistance to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com.

    #5688 Reply

    All sent, the export values are all different.

    #5690 Reply

    Very odd!

    If admin login is possible, please complete this form to have us take a look at the installation.

    If login is not possible, please email a screenshot of the entire field map layout with the form, dataset, and layout selected as well as all the mappings for further review.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by admin.
    #5693 Reply

    Our apologies, we should have mentioned in the first message that if you are using Formidable’s “separate values” option and you are not using the “label” (‘display value’ as referred by Formidable) as the PDF value, then there is no need to set the Format dropdown to “Show label for checkbox” in the Field Map Layout…

    Changing the format setting to “(no formatting)” in the Field Map Layout corrected the issue, and now all works as expected.

    Thank you for using the plugin and for your question on the support forum, we will update the checkbox documentation to better explain the ‘label’ settings, options, and uses.

    We remain at your service.

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