Comb field support or similar formatting option

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  • #2922 Reply

    We are wondering about the possibility of having support for comb fields added into the plugin, or a similar formatting options.

    Combed fields are used to create a sequence of boxes that automatically space out each letter of text that is being filled in. These type of square boxes are common in many US government forms and healthcare forms. It can also be very helpful when filling in information like credit card numbers on invoices to make sure items are spaced out correctly. When changing a text field to a comb field in Acrobat you select how many boxes you want and the field will automatically space out each box based on that number.

    You can see an example of how combed fields work on page 7 of this PDF:

    Thank you!

    #2925 Reply

    Great question, yes, the plugin works with Comb PDF fields. Enter a 10-digit “phone number” on this demo form to see the comb field work with the plugin.

    We remain at your service.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Admin.
    #19073 Reply

    a question, I see that it works but how can I do it to configure it? Just add the first two figures of a total of 9
    Can you help me?

    #19074 Reply

    Select the COMB setting on the PDF field properties and enter the number of characters.

    If you need more help, please elaborate on “Just add the first two figures of a total of 9”, we do not understand the statement.

    We remain at your service.

    #19075 Reply

    forgive my ignorance but when is the COMB configuration of the pdf field?

    #19076 Reply

    Depends on which PDF form designer are you using. Are you using Acrobat,, or describe other?

    We remain at your service.

    #19078 Reply

    I use pdfescape

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