Conditional PDF

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  • #7757 Reply


    I have three types of PDF for one form, can i define condition logic to use severals specific fieldmap for the same form ?

    If field 254 contain A use fieldmap A
    if field 254 contain B use fieldmap B

    is it possible ?

    Thank you

    #7869 Reply

    We apologize for the delayed reply!

    Yes, this topic was discussed on this thread… Below are the instructions that were provided on the thread, however, there are other ways to accomplish the desired result, let us know if you would like more assistance…

    You’ll need to make the shortcode’s LayoutID dynamic here’s an example where the values of Formidable radio button field [125] are equal to a corresponding LayoutID using the field’s “Use separate values” option…

    [formidable-download form="contact2" dataset=[id] layout=[125]]

    Where the above field [125] is a YES/NO radio button using the “Use separate values” and the YES value is x and the NO value is y; x is the ID of PDF A and y is the ID of PDF B

    Or you can make it even more dynamic using a Formidable Conditional Statement like this…
    Where the field [125]=YES then layout=xx OR if field [200]=YES then layout=yy
    [formidable-download form="contact2" dataset="2128" layout=[if 125 equals="YES"]"xx"[/if 125][if 200 equals="YES"]"yy"[/if 200]]

    We remain at your service.

    #7878 Reply

    Thank you for your answer !

    Is it possible to attach this “conditional layout” PDF to the email without inserting a link in the body ?

    Thank you

    #7880 Reply

    Attachments are not created based on the shortcode, the shortcode simply creates a link to the PDF.

    For email attachments, you’ll need to create a email notification for each layout and send them based on your conditional logic. Once created, email notifications can be selected/deselected from each of the Field Map Layouts.

    We remain at your service.

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