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create fill-in PDF forms

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  • #29836 Reply
    Romina Nobs

    Hi there! =)

    i added multiple dropdown fields to one field in pdf. the choosen option will not be printed on the pdf.
    what do i have to do?

    Webform Data Field ID: Resolved Trail (de)
    PDF Form Field Name: trail

    Webform Data Field ID: Resolved Trail (en)
    PDF Form Field Name: trail

    it will only show one of the 2 Field IDs for the customer on frontend >

    But if i’m testing it, i only see the name printed on the pdf at the end. but not the trail which i choose in the dropdown.

    thank you very much for your help! =)
    sunny regards Romina

    #29840 Reply

    There are two ways to accomplish the desired result.
    1. Add a additional PDF field(s) on top of the existing field, set all PDF fields to transparent background.

    2. Add a hidden ‘text calculated’ field to the Formidable Form and add all the dropdown fields to the calculation. Then, map the hidden field to the one PDF field.

    We remain at your service.

    #29842 Reply
    Romina Nobs

    ooh – how could i not think of that ^^’
    Thank you very much for your fast answer!

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