create pdf

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  • #7048 Reply

    Hi there,

    I just bought your the plugin but I can’t figure out how to export my formidable form to pdf?
    when I go export pdf using the map option only the “documentationn.pdf ” is comming up.
    How can do this?

    Thank you

    #7049 Reply

    You must first create and upload your PDF form with the form fields already in the document, then you’ll be able to map the Formidable fields to the PDF fields. Please watch this demo installation video for more detailed instruction. (Click on the “VIDEO: Installation of Live Demo” tab to view the video)

    #7058 Reply

    Ok So I have to use another adobe program to create my form first then uploadt it?

    #7060 Reply

    Yes, that’s correct. We recently added an Automatic Field Map Layout feature, so if you name the PDF fields the same as the Formidable fields, they will map automatically. All except multi-select checkboxes.

    #7061 Reply

    Ok I see. I ‘m dong a medical review form at the end of the form the user has to preview before submitting the form, is this something I can do ?

    #7062 Reply

    This is not “built-in” to Formidable, however, you can achieve the desired result by redirecting the user to a Formidable View with a ‘Confirmation” form after they click submit. Then, if not confirmed, redirect them to EDIT the original form.

    This is something we can do for you as a customization job. Complete this form if you would like a cost estimate, which will be inexpensive.

    #7073 Reply

    I have filled out the customization form pleaset let me know how much for my request.
    Thank you.

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