Creating PDF certififcate

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  • #23884 Reply
    Ben Williams

    I’d like to be able for users to be able to print/save a PDF certificate.
    I’d like the form to have a base PDF/image template that variable details are “added” on top to create the final PDF.
    2 options
    1. A guest (not logged in) fills out a form on a page, eg Name and address. And the site creates a PDF (using a fixed template with Name and address added on top) that user can download.
    2. A user can login to the site, and their name (from their account profile) is automatically added to the certificate, along with some free text from a form, eg address. site creates a PDF (using a fixed template with Name and address added on top) that user can download.

    Is Formidablepro2pdf capable of doing this (we already use formidable forms pro)?

    Many thanks

    #23885 Reply

    Yes, PRO2PDF is capable of providing the expected result of both options.

    We remain at your service.

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