I started to get a critical fatal error on the site. I followed the examples that jackson.kern has posted and I am still getting errors. I had to disable the plugin to recover my site and I’m unable to reactivate it. Running WP 5.9.2. PHP 8 (as per jackson.kern’s example https://www.formidablepro2pdf.com/support/subject/there-has-been-a-critical-error-on-this-website/). Formidable Pro 5.2.03
Still getting an error with
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function shell_exec()…/wp-content/plugins/formidablepro-2-pdf/fpropdf.php:149 Stack trace: #0
I tried to turn off all my plugins but the formidable ones and revert to a basic theme and still the same issues.
If the plugin’s latest version still has an error then it would be easiest for us to login to your site to troubleshoot the issue. We may also need FTP crendentials. Please complete this form if possible.