- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by admin.
Joseph ComingsGuest
I’ve been going through your info, and after much trial and error I still cannot seem to figure out how to do the following: When a user submits a form, they are redirected to a PDF with the information they filled in.
Info: I have Pro2PDF installed on my up to date, self hosted WordPress site as well as the free version of Formidable.
Here is the form: http://creativesavingsblog.com/recipe-binder-creator-half-page/
The form is active.
On the backend, I can export that to a pdf. But I want USERS to get the PDF on submit. What do I need to do to make that happen? I have no problem paying for the service, I just want to know that it’s going to work before I make the purchase.
adminKeymasterFrom the EXPORT tab, Select the Webform and FIELD MAP LAYOUT, then copy the SHORTCODE to the Form’s “On Submit” message box. Be sure to change the dataset=123 to dataset=[id].
You can also use the shortcode parameter to auto-download the PDF or open the PDF in a new browser window.
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