Direct PDF Creation After Submit

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  • #15332 Reply
    Joseph Comings


    I’ve been going through your info, and after much trial and error I still cannot seem to figure out how to do the following: When a user submits a form, they are redirected to a PDF with the information they filled in.

    Info: I have Pro2PDF installed on my up to date, self hosted WordPress site as well as the free version of Formidable.

    Here is the form:

    The form is active.

    On the backend, I can export that to a pdf. But I want USERS to get the PDF on submit. What do I need to do to make that happen? I have no problem paying for the service, I just want to know that it’s going to work before I make the purchase.


    #15334 Reply

    From the EXPORT tab, Select the Webform and FIELD MAP LAYOUT, then copy the SHORTCODE to the Form’s “On Submit” message box. Be sure to change the dataset=123 to dataset=[id].

    You can also use the shortcode parameter to auto-download the PDF or open the PDF in a new browser window.

    We remain at your service.

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