Download shortcode

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  • #16823
    Andreas Torgersen

    When I try to insert parameter title= to change the name from download to something else in the shortcode for download, then if I split the words with a space, then only first letters will show. Is there a way to avoid this?


    Use title=’this or that’

    We remain at your service.

    Andreas Torgersen

    When I do this, then if I use space between the words, then only the first word is showing. If I connect the words with _ then all is showing, so it seems to be a bug here.


    Spaces work in the shortcode when you use quotes like this…

    [formidable-download form="s02up" dataset="123" layout="1000" title="Test The Title"]

    Jason Oswald

    How do you include the name of the user into the pdf form in the email attachment or download page?


    What do you mean by “attach the name”?
    You may add Formidable’s User_ID field to the form, then…
    . Map the userID field to the PDF in the Field Map Layout

    Or, to use the user name in the PDF Filename,
    . Add the User_ID’s field_ID in the shortcode with the filename=”xyz” parameter, like this filename=[123] where [123] is the User_ID field.
    . And/or, add the User_ID’s field_ID to the “Name of Field Map (will be used as default filename):” field on the Field Map Designer.

    Let us know if you need further assistance as we remain at your service.

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