Drop down options for PDF generation

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  • #8327 Reply

    Instead of links showing when a user updates or submits a form…can you have a drop down show and they select what PDF they want and click go/submit then that PDF will open pre filled. Yes it will be mapped on the backend.

    #8329 Reply

    Thank you for using the plugin!
    Sure, it’s slick and easy! You can make the layout=id dynamic by using the Formidable Dropdown Field’s “Use separate values” option to provide the ID of the Field Map Layout, and pass the current entryID as a variable in the form’s redirect URL to a hidden field like this…
    Then, in your hidden field: [get param=dataset_id]

    Your PRO2PDF shortcode would look something like this, [formidable-download form=”oqzilp” dataset=[789] layout=[123 show=value]]
    (Where [789]=hidden field and [123]=dropdown list of PDFs with Field Map Layout ID’s as “Use separate values”.)

    We remain at your service.

    #9448 Reply

    In my case. I have multiple forms for patients. I would like to be able to select what form I need for that patient. We are using formidable pro as database entry. Possibly a in the “patient list” (views) page be able to have a drop down and select what form we need… Since there are multiple forms we won’t be able to keep inputting the ids as suggested above.

    #9449 Reply

    Tried…but on selection it doesn’t do anything
    <form action=””>
    <select name=”Forms”>
    <option value=”Contract”>[formidable-download form=”72dx3342422″ layout=”1000″ dataset=[id] title=”Here” download=”auto”]</option>
    <option value=”Social Security”>[formidable-download form=”72dx3342422″ layout=”1000″ dataset=[id] title=”Here” download=”auto”]</option>
    <option value=”Invoice”>[formidable-download form=”72dx3342422″ layout=”1000″ dataset=[id] title=”Here” download=”auto”]</option>

    #9466 Reply

    You must create a dynamic shortcode in the view, one or two ways or a combination of the two.

    1) Using Formidable’s field shortcodes, like this…
    [formidable-download form=[111] layout=[222] dataset=[id]]
    Where 111 and 222 are fields from your form.

    2) Or, using Conditionals to create some or all of the shortcodes, like this…

    This example would provide links to three forms if fieldID 111 was a checkbox with three selections, “i-9”, “W-4”, and “A-4”. Also, the file name is dynamic to be unique for each entry based on the user first and last name fields

    [if 111 like=”I-9″][formidable-download form=”oqzilp” dataset=[id] layout=”1001″ title=[333] filename='[321][322]_I-9′][/if 111] [if 111 not_like=”I-9″]—[/if 111]

    [if 111 like=”W-4″][formidable-download form=”oqzilp” dataset=[id] layout=”1003″ title=[201] filename='[321][322]_W-4′][/if 111] [if 111 not_like=”W-4″]—[/if 111]

    [if 111 like=”A-4″][formidable-download form=”oqzilp” dataset=[id] layout=”1002″ title=[215] filename='[321][322]_A-4′][/if 111] [if 111 not_like=”A-4″]—[/if 111]


    Optionally, we are able to create your view for you, with search and sort capabilities, inexpensively. If interested, please complete this customization quote request form.

    We remain at your service.

    #9467 Reply

    Sorry not what I am looking for. Need dropdown this will have a list of different pdf that I have for them once they select the one they need it starts to download… I have dataset=[id] works great with a list…. but dropdown it won’t work and tried a modal but if I have 3 forms opened it opens 3 modals issue with the shortcode I believe, that is why I am trying the dropdown route.

    <form action=””>
    <select name=”Forms”>
    <option value=”Contract”>[formidable-download form=”72d″ layout=”1000″ dataset=[id] title=”Here” download=”auto”]</option>
    <option value=”Social Security”>[formidable-download form=”73a″ layout=”102″ dataset=[id] title=”Here” download=”auto”]</option>
    <option value=”Invoice”>[formidable-download form=”72dx3342422″ layout=”103″ dataset=[id] title=”Here” download=”auto”]</option>

    #9468 Reply

    I don’t need conditional settings or a dynamic. I just need a simple dropdown and they select the pdf they need.

    #9469 Reply

    The simple dropdown may be used to dynamically create the shortcode, however, may not be used as the origin of the shortcode due how the special characters in the shortcode interact with the form’s code.

    We’re not sure how to accomplish your task without dynamically creating the shortcode or using conditional statements.

    We remain at your service.

    #9476 Reply

    Ok. Then instead of the dropdown…. If I do a modal it works…. But if I have 3 shortcodes in the modal, the modal opens up three times at the same time.

    #9478 Reply

    Have you tried creating a view to filter the entry and generate the shortcode, then use the view in the modal form? Not sure it will fix your issue, we would need to see your configuration to make specific recommendations.

    If able, please complete this form to allow us access to your WP installation. https://www.formidablepro2pdf.com/login-support-request/

    #9482 Reply

    Hello. I am doing this in a view. The customer can view all their clients as a list. (per entry/submission) so I am trying to figure away they can click what forms they want for their clients and download them and print. There will be multiple forms. That’s why I tried a modal with a list of the forms works but opens 3 modal windows if there are three forms. Drop down can’t get to work

    #9483 Reply

    What is the shortcode in the modal form?

    #9484 Reply

    I am putting in multiple short codes that is provided by your plugin

    #9485 Reply

    Try creating a new view (doc-list) with the same ‘multiple shorcodes’ that are in the modal form, filter ‘doc-list’ so the shortcodes work with ‘doc-list’, then replace the PRO2PDF shortcodes in the modal form with shortcode to the new ‘doc-list’ view.

    This may cause the modal form to only open one object, the ‘doc-list’ view, rather than each of the PRO2PDF shortcodes.

    We remain at your service.

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