Dynamic form fields stopped filling in on PDF

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Dynamic form fields stopped filling in on PDF

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  • #8797 Reply
    Andrew Friedemann

    Within the last month, the Plugin has stopped filling in data from dynamic fields into the PDF.

    It was all working fine, then suddenly stopped after one of the updates. I have also found that when trying to add a second dataset, it will not let me select the second form even though I have activated it.

    Lastly I have noticed that when I select the form to export from, the next line is greyed out saying ‘Loading datasets…’ but never loads. Any other form does load, but not the one I am working with.

    I have been using it for a few years and has worked great up till now. Please help.


    #8932 Reply
    Andrew Friedemann

    Hi – Please can we get some help on this – is any progress being made to fix this bug. We are getting desperate.

    #10548 Reply
    Andrew Friedemann

    Hi All

    Have not heard anything from you for over a month. You made some changes to by Buildsite which seemed to work and said you would be releasing a patch that I could apply to my main site. This has not occurred yet. Please could you explain how I can apply the fix you did to the buildsite to my main site?

    Also we still even on the buildsite have one field which refuses to populate. Can we move forward to try to resolve this.


    #10549 Reply
    Andrew Friedemann

    PS to remind you in an email to me you said it was something to do with how Formidable handles Dynamic Data and you were making changes to be able to handle this properly.

    #10680 Reply
    Christopher Koveleski

    Same with me .. Broken. Hours trying to figure it out. Nothing.
    emailed tech with complaint .. received “You may have your refund upon request.”

    #10737 Reply
    Andrew Friedemann

    I have heard nothing form Support – based on Christopher’s reply he received, I would like to ask for a refund please and I will try find an alternative solution.

    This is such a shame as the plugin had great potential, but supports inability to find a solution even after Formidable Support offered it is the pits.


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