- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by admin.
I tried to change my email and my Display name on your edit account form but it does not work. I would like to change my email from ryknow23@gmail.com to ryknow23@fastmail.com. I also wanted to change my display name from Richard to Rick. I tried it twice and no changes were made. Please change these for me and please fix your form.
adminKeymasterWe sent a confirmation email to ryknow23@gmail.com, please reply to the email to confirm the account change.
We found no issues with the Edit Account form using Chrome, please clear the browser’s cache or try a different browser and let us know if you continue having any issues, and what the error code is, if any.
We will edit the account details upon receipt of the confirmation email reply.
We remain at your service.
RickParticipantI replied to the confirmation email. With your edit account form, I was using Firefox. I don’t use Chrome. Firefox was where I was having the problem.
RickParticipantYour form worked with Safari.
adminKeymasterGreat news, glad to hear you were able to edit the account! We have tested the account management forms with all browsers and have not found any issues and we have not received any other support requests.
It’s possible there is a version or plugin issue on your FF install.
We remain at your service.