empty fields in pdf downloaded

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  • #19071 Reply

    hello, when I fill in a form and give it an end I have the PDF download link. But the PDF fields are empty, blank. However, in the Formidable PRO2PDF area, peak in EXPORT TO PDF and if you download the completed PDF.

    Can you tell me how to fix it?

    #19077 Reply

    Confirm you have changed the dataset=”xx” parameter to dataset=[id]

    If confirmed, then provide a screenshot of the Field Map Layout and the PRO2PDF shortcode you are using for further evaluation.

    We remain at your service.

    #19079 Reply

    Ok, I send you the screenshots and the short code by email because here I can not send images

    #19082 Reply

    But if I add dataset = [id] to the shortcode and that I paste it in the download message. The same data always appears in the fields of the pdf.
    1st action:
    In the form I enter name JOSE and in the PDF sale JOSE
    2nd action:
    In the form I enter name MARIA and in the PDF sale JOSE

    This is the short code that I have in the download message
    [formidable-download form="5dagk" dataset="77" layout="1000"]

    And what I want is that each time you enter the data in a form, a PDF is generated with the data entered in that form.
    And when a new form is filled out, the PDF will be generated with the new data of the new form

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