Entry ID = NOTEST on attached pdf, not on downloaded

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  • #30175 Reply
    Mary Ann Stoll

    On form submit, a download button is displayed to the user and an email to which the pdf is attached is sent to the user.

    I have set the value of field [19] to the entry ID via the Embedded Forms setting.

    The downloaded version of the pdf shows the value of field [19] to be equal to the entity ID.
    The emailed version of the pdf shows the value of field [19] to be NOTSET.

    Since I have used this entire system, PDF, field map, settings, and all, for the last three years, I’m pretty certain that this used to work. What might I be doing wrong? How do I insert the entry ID into the required field?

    Thank you.

    #30177 Reply

    Based on your description of the issue, the Downloaded PDF is the only correct option since there is no way to attach a “Use 2nd Dataset” template to an email.

    If the issue with the email is the download link, then check the shortcode for an error on the 2nd dataset parameters.

    Complete this form if you’d like us to take a look at your template.

    We remain at your service.

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