Error generating a pdf file from a local website (intranet)

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  • #17368 Reply
    Jacob Ursem


    I have set up a (offline)intranet website, which is running on a local pc, we have bought ‘Unlimited Intranet’, and recieved activate.php. I have run the php. When i submit a pdf the next message is shown:

    There was an error generating the pdf file.
    The command was: pdftk “C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\fprC737.tmp.pdf” fill form “” output – ‘pdftk’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    What is here te problem? When i use this system online everything is working fine!

    Best regards,

    Piet Boekema

    #17373 Reply

    You MUST have PDFtk installed on the local server, and, from the plugin’s SETTINGS tab; you must check the option “Enable local PDFTK”.

    Confirm the above is correct on your server.

    We remain at your service.

    #17375 Reply
    Jacob Ursem

    I have installed: pdftk_server-2.02-win-setup
    and ik have enabled the locale PDFKT setting.

    I have restart everything and i get the next message, what is going wrong?

    There was an error generating the PDF file.
    Your server wasn’t able to upload PDF file: Could not resolve host:

    #17377 Reply

    Does your server have access to the internet or is it an intranet?

    We remain at your service.

    #17378 Reply
    Jacob Ursem

    I have NO acces to the internet, it is a local working website. The purpose of this smal website is to have al local working hour registration system. In some cases our engineers have no acces to internet, when this is the case we use this system. We want to generate a pdf which can be download and send later by outlook when we have acces to the internet.

    #17379 Reply

    You would need to purchase the intranet version to use the plugin offline.

    We remain at your service.

    #17380 Reply
    Jacob Ursem

    See ticket 17368: we have bought ‘Unlimited Intranet’, and recieved activate.php. I have run the activation.php (which we have recieved) from your firm.

    See the links below:

    Warning: in one of these png is the activation code mentioned, would you delete this message afterward?

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