Export form using FormidablePro PDF

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  • #18288 Reply

    I have purchased Formidable Forms Pro and FormidablePro PDF and am trying to export a form’s entry using these plugins. The form is quite a long one and I don’t understand how to do the field mapping to get the form entry into the pdf format. Can you help me?

    #18289 Reply

    Be sure to take a look at the demo video, and follow these steps to automatically generate the field map layout…

    . Use copy/paste to rename the PDF fields to match the Formidable field names EXACTLY.
    . Select the “Enable automated layout creation for new field maps” on the plugin’s SETTINGS tab.
    . Now, when you create a new field map layout the plugin will correctly map all fields except ADDRESS, CHECKBOX, and REPEATABLE fields, which must be mapped manually.

    Let us know if you have any issues creating the field map layout or use this form to request a quote for us to create the field map layout for you.

    We remain at your service.

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