flag on checkboxe

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  • #7649 Reply
    Giorgio Formica

    Hi there,
    I’m Giorgio. I have this kind of problem. I have a compilabile PDF form to work with that contains many checkboxe fields. I create the same checkbox field in my FORMIDABLE FORM. I dont know how the set teh checkboxe field mapping to export flags…i mean to have a PDF form in which the checkboxe fileds flagged in online form would result flagged the same.
    Sorry, I hope that you are able to understand what im’ trying to say in my poor english
    Thank you in advance for help
    Best regards

    #7653 Reply

    I understand fully, thank you for using the plugin!

    Here’s the short version….

    For Checkboxes…

    1. Name each PDF Checkbox = Unique Name
    2. Each PDF Checkbox Export Value = A (exact) value from your Formidable Checkbox field (copy/paste for 100% accuracy) (*No Special Characters*)
    3. Map Each PDF Checkbox field name to the one (1) Formidable Checkbox field name (If you have 5 checkbox options, you will have 5 field mappings to one Formidable checkbox field)

    For Radio Buttons…

    1. Name each PDF Radio Button = Same (exact) Name (copy/paste for 100% accuracy)
    2. Each PDF Radio Button Export Value = One (1) Value from the Formidable Radio Button field (copy/paste for 100% accuracy)
    3. Map the one (1) PDF Radio Button field name to the one (1) Formidable Radio Button field (If you have 5 PDF radio buttons with the same name, you will only have one (1) field mapping to the Formidable radio button field)

    Here’s the long version… checkboxes and radio buttons

    Let us know if you are able to create a successful merge.

    We remain at your service.

    #7654 Reply


    #7661 Reply

    What do you mean in step 2 when you say the checkbox “value”?

    Never mind. I was able to figure it out.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Matthew.
    #7663 Reply

    PDF Checkbox fIeld “PROPERTY”, there is a setting for “Export Value”. Which PDF form creator are you using?

    In Adobe Acrobat…

    1. Right click checkbox
    2. Select Options Tab
    3. Change “Export Value” to match the Formidable checkbox option.

    In PDFEscape.com…

    1. Right click checkbox
    2. Select “Unlock Form Field”
    3. Right click checkbox again
    4. Change “Export Value” to match the Formidable checkbox option.

    Save and upload to PRO2PDF to map and merge your checkbox and other data.

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