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Formidable Forms Send Button Config?

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Formidable Forms Send Button Config?

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  • #30684 Reply


    I’ve been trying for severeal Days to insert the F2PDF Shortcode in the send Button from formidable.

    – An empty form is loaded

    How can I teach formidable that it converts the current input into a forumlar and downloads it directly when I press the send button????

    I’ve tryed thousands of options, no one works.

    Here is the Button HTML_Code from formidable:

    <div class="frm_submit">
    [if back_button]<button type="submit" name="frm_prev_page" formnovalidate="formnovalidate" class="frm_prev_page" [back_hook]>[back_label]</button>[/if back_button]
    <button class="frm_button_submit" type="submit"  [button_action]>[button_label]</button>
    [if save_draft]<a href="#" tabindex="0" class="frm_save_draft" [draft_hook]>[draft_label]</a>[/if save_draft]
    #30694 Reply

    PRO2PDF shortcodes are designed to be used in the Formidable Form’s “On Submit Message Box” or in Formidable Views only. Take a look at the demo video for where to place the shortcode in the On Submit Message Box.

    Let us know if you need further assistance with the shortcode.

    We remain at your service.

    #30721 Reply

    OMG, thats it. I am so stupid…

    Meny thanks!!!

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