Formidable Graphs

Home Forums Feature Requests Formidable Graphs

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  • #8252 Reply

    Hi, can you please add the ability to transfer formidable or google graphs to a spot on the PDF reports?

    #8253 Reply

    Unfortunately, we have worked on this feature enough to say, this cannot and will not happen based on how Formidable creates and displays graphs and charts. PDFtk (our PDF engine) cannot merge javascript or html.

    However, we are constantly looking for ways to integrate with another plugin to merge a saved PDF file into your PDF form, which would also allow us to merge graphs, charts, and even Formidable Views. We started evaluating PrintFriendly this week and we may have some success.

    Currently, the only known workaround is to use Acrobat Javascript in the PDF form to create the graph/chart based on the merged data from the Formidable Form.

    We remain at your service.

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