Forms not Loading

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  • #49133 Reply
    Gary Keesee

    We are experiencing a lot of 504 timeout errors when we try to view the merged PDFs. When our managers try to view PDFs from the FFG Trainee Forms/Status section on (click any of the “Launch Forms PDF” links)

    It also happens most of the time (50%+) when I try to export from the backend. Both were previously working fine. Our memory limit is 512mb which should be enough.

    The “Launch Form/Independent Contractor Application” form is pretty long and the one that typically times out.

    I saw the red banner on the top of your site to install the updated plugin and I tried this on a Staging site and I now just get the error “PDF source can’t be loaded.” every time. I also tried deactivating other plugins and it didn’t solve the problem.

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