General Questions

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  • #12539 Reply


    I have a client that would like the following things to happen and would like to know if your plugin is capable of this.

    1. After one fills out a PDF, we want the PDF to be sent to a particular email after the user clicks on the Submit button. Is this possible?

    2. We want the person that’s filling out the PDF to be able to attach a file to be sent as well after they click on the Submit button. Is this possible?

    3. Can we make unlimited PDFs without the yearly cost?


    #12540 Reply

    1. Yes, PDFs may be attached to emails with the paid version of the plugin. A link to download the PDF may be sent in the body of the email with the free and paid versions.
    2. Yes, using Formidable’s file upload field.
    3. Yes, by installing PDFtk on the site’s server.

    We remain at your service.

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