Generate PDF filename from field

Home Forums How to Generate PDF filename from field

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    i need a generate unique filename for each attached PDF.
    i want to ask: how to insert a field from Form in to a PDF filename.

    is this possible?



    Unique filenames may be generated by using the shortcode in the body of the email message with the filename parameter, which will allow users to click to download the uniquely named PDF. Unique filenames cannot be “attached” to the email.

    We remain at your service.


    Why can’t the Formidable field shortcodes be used for setting the email pdf name. Formidable uses this on their end with no issue (since you can use it in the shortcode). Why not just pull a call first to the shortcode and use that temp field to attach the pdf name? This seems like it has to be feasible. I just purchased this plugin and found out after the fact it wouldn’t work.


    FYI – We have added dynamic filename functionality to the Field Map Layout. You may now enter Formidable field shortcodes as well as static text into the “PDF file name in e-mails:” text box located just below the “Attach file to Email notifications” option on each field map layout.

    Update your plugin to acquire the functionality. We remain at your service.

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