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Help with purchase

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  • #16958 Reply
    Bradley Whitt

    I have purchased the 1 site /40 forms option. I see that it says up to 40 sites and I am needing to add another site. Do I need to purchase another separate version for the new site as well? It is a subdirectory with it’s own WP install. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    #16959 Reply

    You may mix & match your SITE|FORMS count to 2-SITES | 39-FORMS, or any other combination, just let us know your order number and what you want to change the numbers to and we will change the subscription manually.

    We remain at your service.

    #16960 Reply

    We have updated your subscription to 2-Sites | 39-Forms, use the same activation key for the second site.

    We remain at your service.

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