Hi Marcus, I have the changes to the first form Presumptive Meth test

Home Forums Pre-Sale Hi Marcus, I have the changes to the first form Presumptive Meth test

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by Colin Every HHAST.co.nz.
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  • #15364 Reply
    Colin Every HHAST.co.nz

    Hi Marcus, I have the changes to the first form Presumptive Meth test so we can complete reports more efficiently. I will send it as an attachment on Fiverr

    Please provide price;

    Service Order
    Service Order
    Property Address
    Tenant Name
    Tenant Email
    Tenant Phone
    Tenant Mobile
    Smoke Alarm Annual Program
    Presumptive “P” test Composite (Single Swab)
    Laboratory “P” test Composite (Single Swab)
    Laboratory “P” test Multi Room Multi Swab (6 Swabs)
    Laboratory Asbestos Test
    Laboratory Lead Paint Test
    Service Date
    Service Time :
    Agency Can we get a data bank here so it auto populates any agency and property manager
    Agency Name
    Agency Address
    Property Manager
    Agency Email
    Agency Phone
    Agency Mobile
    Landlord Name
    Landlord Address
    Landlord Email
    Landlord Phone
    Landlord Mobile
    For Technicians
    A safety appraisal has been conducted at this property.
    All safety equipment as per safety induction training has been brought to the property and used as per safety training.
    Hazard Identification Report

    How Many

    Other Rooms

    Motor Vehicle VIN #
    Test Area Need to add Kitchen
    Other Room
    Immediate onsite result Negative/Positive for Need buttons for Pos/Neg Has to be very clear to the reader which it is, Negative or Positive
    Crack Cocaine
    Meth/X (Methamphetamine and Ecstasy)
    Barbiturates (Diazepam and Rohynpol)
    Immediate Independent Lab Test
    Moved to immediate independent lab test as Presumptive test is positive for “P” D4D Mistral Detection Test This has been confusing people as they think it means that the test was positive so we need to change it somehow to only be selected on a positive test

    Batch Number Batch number is always this
    Batch Date Batch date is always this
    Time of Test :
    Presumptive Test Comment Test comment needs to be multiple choice IN LARGE AND PROMINENT TEXT;
    and also have a comment box for additional comments
    Signature Only need one signature box at the end of the form
    • Draw It
    • Type It
    • Clear
    Presumptive Image #1
    Drop a file here or click to upload
    Maximum upload size: 8.39MB
    Presumptive Image #2
    Drop a file here or click to upload
    Maximum upload size: 8.39MB
    Presumptive Image #3
    Drop a file here or click to upload
    Maximum upload size: 8.39MB
    P Test Requirements
    Written description of sample location
    Put box at the end and say “Other surfaces” Samples taken from window sills, door handles, power points, walls, floors, ceilings, light fittings, light globes, light switches, range hoods, curtains, blinds, window glass, architraves, bathroom exhaust fans, door frames, window frames, internal side of garage doors, any permanently fixed electrical appliances belonging to landlord, toilet suite, inside cupboards & wardrobes, stove-top and any surface where Methamphetamine residue may stick or settle
    Off-set measurements from a fixed point (for example, a doorway) Off-set This is not needed on presumptive but leave it in for now
    Surfaces tested are too numerous to mention or measure
    Draw the Floor Plan We need a Bigger box to draw floorplan
    • Clear
    Details of building materials, electrical fitting, and chattels present Selection drop-down box with multiple choice
    Plaster walls and ceilings
    Possible Asbestos in walls and ceilings
    Architraves Timber
    Window frames Timber
    Window frames Aluminium
    Furnished – Furniture has not been tested or touched
    Other (Box to type)
    Range Hood
    Exhaust Fans
    Tenants chattels present but not tested
    Landlord chattels present and were tested
    Other…………….With comment box

    Approximate Dimensions of Living Spaces (Leave blank unless test is positive) need a fairly big comment box and please add text in brackets

    The competence of the individual(s) signing off the report and conducting the site inspection
    Add – HHAST staff members are fully trained in Methamphetamine sampling for presumptive and laboratory testing. Tests are conducted under strict protocols to ensure accuracy and eliminate cross contamination between tenant belongings and the property proper. HHAST drug testing is guaranteed by Home Health And Safety Testing Limited and covered in HHAST professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance cover.

    The competence of the assessor(s) Fully Trained or Qualified
    Tester hasdentified chemical remnants or containers at the site YES?NO
    Add …The location of the composite sampling points is dictated by common sense and experience. HHAST presumptive Methamphetamine tests are comprehensive in typical places that Methamphetamine residue may settle or stick to surfaces such as, window sills, door handles, power points, walls, floors, ceilings, light fittings, light globes, light switches, range hoods, curtains, blinds, window glass, architraves, bathroom exhaust fans, door frames, window frames, internal side of garage doors, any permanently fixed electrical appliances belonging to landlord, toilet suite, inside cupboards & wardrobes, stove-top and any surface the tester recognises as a surface where Methamphetamine residue may stick to or settle.
    The rationale for selecting the locations are to test typical places where Methamphetamine might be smoked or cooked. Eg; We know from studies and experience that many Methamphetamine smokers will smoke under a kitchen range-hood, bathroom exhaust fan or inside a laundry or toilet so these areas tend to deliver more positive hits than say, a bedroom.
    A bedroom in an empty dwelling will have floors, walls ceiling, any handles, windows, curtains, power switches, light switches and fittings swabbed as targets, however, in bathrooms, toilets laundry’s and kitchens there are more items to swab than a bedroom.
    Methamphetamine cooking can take place in any room however, typically, garages and sleep-outs are popular along with kitchens and laundry’s so attention is paid to these areas as potential cook areas.
    Additional extraordinary test location

    The analysis methodology employed Mistral D4D Pen Test tests for several drugs using chemical colour match technology.

    The method used to collect samples Presumptive – D4D pen test manufactured by Mistral Group and Trace Certified Internationally
    The limitations of the sampling and testing methodology employed Mistral D4D Pen Tests will not quantify a precise amount of Methamphetamine contamination. This test is strictly to identify if there is Methamphetamine residue present inside the property.
    Spaces not sampled and the rationale why they were not sampled; HHAST does not sample tenants belongings as they could be contaminated from elsewhere and could bring a false positive into the property. External open carports are not sampled as they may generate a positive that will have no effect on property occupants.
    The following areas have not been tested under instruction from the property manager BOX TO RECORD AREAS
    Cleaning and renovations can influence the outcome of the test result This property appears to have been recently renovated YES/NO
    Identification of Methamphetamine Residue Concentrations obtained from behind the paint where the property has been renovated and products have been applied directly to old or original surfaces that have been exposed to methamphetamine-related contamination Bigger comment box

    A conclusion confirming the extent and magnitude of methamphetamine contamination at the property (left blank if test is negative)
    Recommendations on next steps (Left blank unless further action is required)
    Site information relevant to subsequent stages of investigation and decontamination (Left blank unless further action is required).

    HHAST acknowledges that a positive test result does not point to any party being responsible for the contamination and no inference as to guilt or innocence of any party is inferred nor assumed in any way. The HHAST Presumptive Methamphetamine test will simply confirm or rule out the presence of Methamphetamine residue in the property being tested

    Technician’s Signature
    • Draw It
    • Type It
    • Clear

    We need a save button to save the reports to our device as there are some situations where we don’t have internet

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