Hide password in email notification

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  • #16040 Reply
    Guy Landry

    I use
    Formidable Forms ver. 2.03.10 et Formidable PRO2PDF version Version 2.67
    In the notification email:

    [formidable-download filename=”Formulaire test” flatten=”yes” inline=1 form=”nsn7j” dataset=[id] layout=”1006″ layout=”1006″label=0 title=”Formulaire test” password=”123″]

    The password 123 is visible in the link property and in the web page address:


    Is it possible to hide it?
    If yes, How to hide it

    Thank you
    Guy Landry

    #16042 Reply

    Add a hidden field to the form and then reference the field ID in the shortcode (password=[123] where 123 is a hidden field in your form)

    Also, looks like there is a duplicate parameter and a space missing before ‘label’ in your shortcode… (layout=”1006″label=0)

    #16043 Reply
    Guy Landry

    The notification email is:

    [formidable-download form=”nsn7j” dataset=[id] layout=”1006″ flatten=”yes” inline=1 title=”Formulaire de première visite” filename=”Formulaire de première visite” password=[228]]

    The link in email is:
    Formulaire de première visite the link is :

    The link in Web browser is:
    The password is easily accessible with the link in the email.

    Is it possible to hide it?
    If yes, How to hide it

    Thank you
    Guy Landry

    #16044 Reply

    Use the “PDF password” setting on the Field Map Layout to avoid the URL method.

    We remain at your service.

    #16048 Reply
    Guy Landry

    Thanks for your reply which allowed me to solve my problem.

    Send: Displays PDF without password (layout = “1006”)
    Notification: The notification email displays a PDF with password (layout = “1009”)
    I duplicate Fields Map and add a password in “PDF password”

    Send shortcut:
    [Formidable-download filename = “Medical Form” flatten = “yes” inline = 1 form = “nsn7j” dataset = [id] layout = “1006” title = “Medical Form”]

    Notification shortcut:
    [Formidable-download form = “nsn7j” dataset = [id] layout = “1009” flatten = “yes” inline = 1 title = “Medical Form” filename = “Medical Form”]

    Thank you very much, it is a very good product.
    Guy Landry

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