How avoid the download link and send the pdf only by e-mail

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  • #1139 Reply

    Hi, I need to know if with the pro edition of the plugin I can set only the sending by e-mail of the generated pdf and avoid the opening of the download link. This because I need that the click of the Formidable Form Send button that generate the pdf will also direct my user to another page of my web site and if I set in Formidable form the function to send the user to another page when he/she click on the send button Formidable form cancel the field for the sending message where I should put the PRO2PDF short code. Can you please tell me how to do this? Thank you in advance for any help.

    #1146 Reply

    Great request! We will do our best to add a “silent mode/email only” option to the shortcode on the next release of the plugin.

    #1147 Reply

    Thank you for your answer admin, can you please tell me how much time will take to have the “silent mode/email only” option?

    #1148 Reply

    We should have a release ready in 1 to 3 days.

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