Tagged: dataset id, merge, unique number, user, userid
- This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by admin.
hi there. I’m using formidablepro with formidable2Pdfpro to create and send a pdf file after a subscription. Everything work fine but I don’t understand why the user_id is not write on my pdf. Any help?
I tried other type of formidable_field to check if my pdf had something wrong but everything appear except the user_idOn my pdf file I have a field named “Card Number” and I connect this field with “formidable_userid”. I need to have this information on my pdf because every single member must have a unique card number
where do I wrong?
adminKeymasterThe only reason “formidable_userid” would be empty is if the form’s user is not logged into the WordPress installation.
Questions for you:
. Is the user logged in?
. Can you see the userid in the Formidable form?If the form user is logged into WordPress and you can see the userid in the Formidable form, we may need to take a look at your installation. If possible, please send temporary credentials to support (at) formidablepro2pdf DOT com.
BernardpGuestOn my site user don’t have to sing up. The form must be fill it up after a payment that user make on Paypal.
The concept site is this. We give news and support for flight attendant. The site is for everybody. Then if someone feel to support us the make a donation or a montly/year subscription. They do that throught a page were we put paypal buttom. After payment, paypal send them to the form page, where user give us their information throught the form. So I guess it answer to your question. No they are not logged in the site.
Right now I have two demo user that fill the form (one is me) and if I enter from the admin panel and I click on my name, on the right side I read user_id 32.Even if I thought to have a number 1 (as I was the first) this is the number I wanted on my pdf or if you have any other idea on how to put a unique number for our subscriber.
Anyway I don’t have any problem to give you the password for the site. Just tell me where to send it.Sorry if I was long on this answer, I just wanted to expain how we organized
adminKeymasterGot it! Thank you for the explanation.
The only other unique value is the Formidable_Entry Key. It will work for you if your “Card Number” can include letters. If not, let us know and we’ll see what else we may be able to add for you.
BernardoGuestNo unfortunatelly it cannot have letter. I tried today with this field to see if it works and it did but the is a code not a number 🙁
I am getting crazy with this stupid field.
I don’t know if this conversation is private or not. If you need the password to check let me know where to send itadminKeymasterThis post is NOT private, but we do not need to log in to your site as everything seems to be working correctly.
We are now attempting to add the “Current Dataset ID” to the “Webform Data Field ID” dropdown list, which will give you a unique number for each user.
Please give us some time to come up with a solution, I will post an update here soon.
More or less, how long will the upgrade come out?
Just to know shat to say to my partner!adminKeymasterOne day or less.
adminKeymasterUpdate the plugin to the latest version to use the new “Formidable: Dataset ID” merge field. The new field is the unique number of each form submission.
Let us know if you need anything else, as we remain at your service.
BernardoGuestPerfect it work.
Do you know how reset the dataset to let it start from number 1?adminKeymasterNot sure. To create a “UniqueID” field, Formidable suggests using their Auto Increment shortcode [auto_id start=1], instead of the DatasetID.
adminKeymasterWe have added two more “UniqueID” counters to the “Webform Data Field ID” dropdown list. Update the plugin to use the counters.
1. Formdiable: Count Entry – provides a unique number for each user entry – starting at 1.
2. Formidable: Count PDF – provides a unique number for each PDF output – starting at 1.The new Formidable: Count PDF counter may be reset by creating a duplicate of the field map layout – the counter for the new layout will start at 1.
The new Formidable: Count Entry counter cannot be reset as it actually counts the number of form entries.