I need help

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  • #15590 Reply

    HELLO!!! We purchased FORMIDABLE and the PRO2PDF plugin but I am having a hell of a time understanding it and implementing it on the website for our client. The fiverr gig is paused. Any help and direction would be greatly appreciated.

    #15591 Reply

    We are backlogged on Fiverr right now. How (specifically) can we help?

    We remain at your service.

    #15645 Reply

    I need assistance in completing the task of mapping the fields out. How long is the backlog for fiverr? I estimate my forms to be $30 a piece.

    #15649 Reply

    If it’s just a mapping issue we have staff available who are not backlogged, it can likely be done in two days or less.

    We are likely to deactivate Fiverr again today so it’s best to request the work be done using this form and we’ll provide you with a quote before we begin.

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