IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!

Interested in purchasing the premium version

Home Forums Pre-Sale Interested in purchasing the premium version

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  • #18976 Reply
    Shabaz Khan

    I am interested in purchasing the pro version of this plugin, but i need to clarify few details before we go ahead, my site has to have option to print cards similar to credit cards or debit cards, is it possible to get the work done using this plugin? And do you provide an option to do this from your end? And one more question is if only this plugins pro version is required to do above mentioned task or supporting plugins pro version is also required.

    #18978 Reply

    We would need to know all the specifics about your needs before we can determine if you can use the free version plugins, with the information provided so far, it does seem possible.

    Upload the PDF form to this form and provide all requirements for us to provide you with a cost to complete the merge on our end.

    We remain at your service.

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