Limitations of automation?

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  • #3905
    Tim Brocklehurst


    I am trialling FormidablePro2PDF for a client, and have just been running some tests. Our purpose is to see if we can use it to generate formatted PDFs from formidable form entries on the fly. The formidable entries will also be creating posts, so we want users to read the posts in their browsers and also download a nicely formatted PDF of the post which has been created in FP2P.

    I have the following queries:

    1. I see the download link shortcode pulls in the Formidable code from the form, the id of the data set and the id of the field mapping. So, if we know the id of the field mapping, would it be a simple case for us to store it as an auto field in all form entries and then generate a download URL dynamically in the post which could be put behind the download button, or does each PDF need to be generated from each data set manually first?

    2. In the test I did, I created a PDF form at to map the formidable fields to. In my test there are only 4 fields, to keep it simple. I named them each to match the four fields in my Formidable test form, and then went to F2PF in wordpress, uploaded it, created a new field map and then tested the shortcode in a page.
    The PDF downloaded but only 2 of the fields were populated. I wondered if this is a trial-user restriction, and tried again. With my second test only 1 field was populated, the other 3 were left blank.

    I’m sure It must be something I’m doing wrong, so I wonder if you can help, or shed some light on what I might be doing wrong.

    Thanks so much for your help

    Best wishes


    1. The shortcode can be fully dynamic, including the current dataset if you change the static id to [id].

    2. There are no restrictions in the $2 trial version. We can login to your install to quickly identify the issue if you email login credentials to support at formidablepro2pdf dot com, or email the PDF file and a screenshot of the entire plugin screen with the form, dataset and fieldmap selected, and a link to the Formidable form (if possible) so we can further help with the setup.

    Some common issues to check for;
    1. Checkbox and Radio Button values are case sensitive.
    2. Changing PDF form field names requires the fieldmap to be updated.
    3. “Garbage In / Garbage Out” – The selected dataset must contain data in all fields for data to merge to all PDF fields.

    Tim Brocklehurst

    Thanks for your prompt response… and forgive my tardiness. I must remember to check back more frequently in lieu of email alerts from your customer service.

    One further thing – Apologies if I missed this in your documentation – Our purpose requires the upload of an image which is then displayed on the PDF. Can you confirm this is possible with FP2PDF, and whether there are any restrictions or considerations we should be aware of.

    Many thanks again


    Looks like reply emails are going to tim at webswift if you select the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” checkbox when send or reply to a message – you may need to check spam as you should receive an email for each reply.

    We will add the ability to map to an image in the next release. Should be done on or before Monday, November 30th. I will update you with any restrictions or considerations once the update is ready.

    We remain at your service.


    Support for merging images to fillable PDFs is now available by updating the plugin to the newest version released today.

    The function maps Formidable’s Image URL and File Upload (single) fields to PDF text fields.
    . If the image height is more than the text field, the image height and width will be reduced proportionately to the max height of the PDF text field.

    . If the attached file not an image, the file path will be merged to the PDF text field.

    We remain at your service.


    Hi Everyone, I’m interesting in the new feature where an uploaded image can be displayed on the PDF. Can you provide any additional information on this? I am on the latest version (1.7.35) but can’t see how to use this feature, or any info on it yet. Can you provide some info to get me started?

    Thank you!


    Hi Barb,

    Were working on the documentation for it now, which is short… because it’s really simple to do. And, it works with the free version of the plugin too!

    You have two options and they do not require a “Format” in the field map layout screen. (Leave the default “no formatting” option in the field map layout screen)

    1. Use the Formidable File Upload field in your Formidable Form to upload a single image, then map that File Upload field to any PDF text field and then POOF! it just works!

    2. Use the Formidable Image Field in your Formidable Form to enter a URL to an image on the web, then map that field to any PDF text field and POOF! it just works!

    NOTE: The size of your image will be adjusted proportionally to the height of your PDF text field.

    We remain at your service, let us know if you run into ANY issues mapping images to your PDF forms.


    Thanks for this, I will need to use method1. I’ve tried it out, but with no luck. 🙁

    I’ve tried using small .jpg and .png. files. I’ve got a file upload field in my formidable form, and a regular text field in my acrobat form with formatting in the map set to ‘no formatting’….Can you think of anything I am missing?

    Happy to provide access details if you want to take a look at what I’ve set up.



    One (1) file can be uploaded per File Upload Field, other than that it should just work. Please email login credentials to support at formidablepro2pdf dot com and we’ll take a look. It’s a new feature so there could be an issue we have not discovered.

    We remain at your service.


    Thanks, I’ve sent an email with access credentials.


    Thanks or the support – Turned out there was an issue with my media Library. Had to uninstall and reinstall WP, but once back up and running, this feature works perfectly .Thank you!!


    Excellent news! We remain at your service.

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