Local Generation of PDF (20 atleast)

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  • #34653 Reply


    Based on the articles I read, the unlimited intranet will work locally? Meaning the PDFs will be generated locally without the need of internet access? We will be creating a product that users are remote and might not have internet all the time so this option is really important.

    Do you provide free trial on the intranet version please?

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

    #34666 Reply

    You may test the free version on the intranet, if it works, then the intranet version will also work.

    To set up the plugin to use on an intranet server’s PDFtk installation, go to:
    PRO2PDF → SETTINGS → Select “Enable local PDFTK” → SAVE CHANGES

    – Merging images and signatures are not supported on the intranet version.
    – There are no refunds for the intranet version.

    We remain at your service.

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