Mapping a dropdown box

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  • #49227 Reply
    Troy McLachlan

    Hi, I have a dropdown box on my formidable form which I would like to map to a one text box on my PDF which displays whatever the option was selected in the drop down. How do I even do that? I have looked everywhere on the forum and don’t quite understand your demo on drop down boxes

    #49230 Reply

    Checkboxes map directly to PDF text fields without changing any settings.

    What is happening when you map your FF checkbox to the PDF text box?

    We remain at your service.

    #49232 Reply
    Troy McLachlan

    This is a drop down box that I need to map, not a checkbox? It just doesn’t display the option selected in the drop down list in the field on the PDF.

    #49234 Reply

    Our apologies, we mistyped ‘checkbox’.

    Are text fields mapping correctly? If so, the dropdown should work the same. Try mapping the dropdown to a PDF text field that is known to work when mapped to a FF text field.

    Let us know what happens.

    We remain at your service.

    #49235 Reply
    Troy McLachlan

    ok thank I will give that a go

    #49250 Reply
    Troy McLachlan

    Nothing appears.

    I have a drowpdown on my formidable form with 2 x values and mapped that to a PDF text field that was previously working with just a normal FF text field and now it doesn’t display anything.

    #49259 Reply
    Troy McLachlan

    Team, I managed to get my dropdown matching fine. However, how do you map a drop down with an other option so that the “other & value in the additional box” maps to one text field?

    #49276 Reply
    Troy McLachlan


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