Mapping Formidable Checkboxes Options to PDF Check Boxes

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  • #1065 Reply

    Can the individual Options of a Checkboxes field in a Formidable form be mapped to check boxes on a PDF form? If so, then how?


    #1066 Reply

    Yes, check boxes can be mapped the same as radio buttons, by setting the “EXPORT VALUE” of the PDF form field to the value of the individual Formidable form check box value.

    While testing today we found an error when multiple check boxes are selected for the same Formidable Form field. A temporary work around is to add and map a separate check box field for each PDF form field.

    We are looking into a fix and I’ll message you as soon as we have an update.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by admin.
    #1073 Reply

    Thanks for the prompt response. When the multiple check box issue is fixed, I should be able to create a field map for each option of a Formidable Form field to a corresponding check box on a PDF form with an “EXPORT VALUE” matching a “Saved Value” of the Formidable field options…


    Formidable Form field: Pizza Topping(s):

    Option Label Saved Value
    —————— ——————
    Pepperoni PEP
    Sausage SAUS
    Onion O

    PDF Check boxes:

    Field Name Export Value
    ————— ——————-
    TopPepp PEP
    TopSausage SAUS
    TopOnion O

    PRO2PDF Field Maps:

    Pizza Topping(s) >> TopPepp
    Pizza Topping(s) >> TopSausage
    Pizza Topping(s) >> TopOnion

    Is this correct?

    #1106 Reply

    The latest update includes support for the multiple checkbox field, however at this point only the Formidable checkbox field can be selected in the Field Map Designer – and the results are listed together seperated by a comma. We realize this is not the best result to map to a PDF checkbox. We are continuing to work on parsing the Formidable Checkbox results into individual fields in the Field Map Designer so you’ll be able to map each option of a multiple checkbox field to corresponding PDF checkbox fields.

    Please stand by for further updates.

    #1188 Reply
    Chris Jones

    I’m on the latest version ( and have followed the instructions above. Each PDF checkbox has an EXPORT VALUE with a one-to-one connection with the field value of a checkbox item in Formidable:

    – field1option1
    – field1option2
    – field1option3
    – field1option4
    – field1option5
    – field1option6

    If I submit with only one checkbox selected then the PDF is generated correctly for each of the 6 options. If I select multiple values, then no items appear selected on the generated PDF.

    Am I missing anything? From the above, my understanding is that this should work in the latest release. I don’t know if this helps but I’m not seeing this either:

    “and the results are listed together seperated by a comma”

    For me, the dropdown just has “[120] Checkboxes” but no comma separated list.


    #1420 Reply

    I’m also trying to figure this out. I can select any one checkbox option and it maps fine to the PDF, but if I select more than one option – only the first item selected is checked in the PDF.

    #5260 Reply

    Has anyone found a solution for this?

    #5664 Reply

    Having the same issue. If only 1 is checked, everything is fine. More than 1, all end up blank.

    #8724 Reply

    I recently purchased the product and I’m having the same issue. Has the checkbox issue been resolved?

    #13210 Reply


    I am having query regarding mapping checkboxes when I entries the data in the form and checked the checkbox and see the result in output. I can see the name of the checkbox, instead of (X) or any other symbol.

    I just want the output to be displayed as a (X).

    Please suggest.

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