Multi Line Paragraph Issue | pdf text field to small: no scroll possibility

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  • #17082 Reply
    Jacob Ursem


    I have one follow up on the issues #6379 and #6376, this was your answer at that time:

    In the PDF Form, select the “Multi-Line” setting for the text field that needs to be a paragraph text field. Then reupload the PDF form to the plugin. Optionally, you can also select the “scroll long text” checkbox if you want the data to scroll beyond the available space…
    We remain at your service.

    I have this working for a long time, but in some cases i have not enough room voor the text in my pdf form. In a normal pdf (with text fields) you can scroll in the text with the scroll bar at the right. Is this not possible in a flatten pdf?

    Wwaiting your response and my best regards,

    Piet Boekema

    #17084 Reply

    No, flattened PDFs cannot scroll long text because the form field which scrolls the text is no longer on the form. However, a work around is to edit the PDF form to make all the fields “Read Only”, then do not flatten. Users will be able to scroll long text but not change any of the text.

    We remain at your service.

    #17096 Reply
    Jacob Ursem

    Thanks, everything is working fine now!

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