Tagged: large Map Layout, large pdf form, multiple images, template
- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by admin.
So, have been configuring the forms and most everything is working except for a couple of issues – unfortunately one is quite critical and proving to be a show stopper for us. After doing some precursory searching through the webs it appears these are brand new issues so it would be great if you could help me solve them quickly before I throw myself out the virtual window. Thanks in advance for saving my life!.
Here are the two challenges:
1. Multiple Images: My site has a form that has multiple image uploads (up to 3). I am trying to get all the images to show up in the form. So far, one is showing but the rest are not.
2. I have 150 form entries and would be very happy to find a way to batch export the forms without having to do it one by one.Thanks again. I look forward to hearing back from you!
adminKeymasterSTOP!We love you Josh – DON’T JUMP! – We’re here to help…
1. Use three (3) File Upload fields in your form, do not use the “Multiple files” option, then map each of them to your PDF form.
I’m still working on your answer to question #2 – I’ll post it soon…
adminKeymaster2. Many of your forms will have common fields such as Name, Address, Phone, ect… With that in mind, create a Field Map Layout to use as a template with common PDF fields that you will duplicate for mapping other PDF forms, using the helpful tips listed below. Once created, you can click the “Duplicate this field map” button at the bottom of the field map to make a copy to map another PDF form.
Here’s a Tips & Tricks spoiler from our first newsletter, due out tomorrow…
Create large Map Layouts a lot faster…
- Use common field names on all your PDF forms. Helps when duplicating field maps.
- Use recognizable, easy to type, field names for the PDF fields.
- Type the first few letters of the PDF field name into the PDF Form Field Name dropdown list to quickly find the correct field – rather than slowly scrolling through the long list.
- Click the “Add another Field Map” button 17 times, then map those fields and save the field map layout – then reopen the field map layout and repeat – until all the required fields have been added. Try it! – you will be able to find and select the next Formidable Form field much faster – because you won’t need to scroll the entire list to find the next field.
JoshGuest*steps back away from window ledge*
Thanks for your help, it has given me a ray of hope. I created additional file upload fields on the form. Then I thought I would export the data, parse out the file links into separate columns and then reimport. But it’s not quite as easy as that. Every attempt to reimport the data has failed. I even tried exporting a CSV and reimporting that exact same CSV into a duplicate form and it still fails. I have posted a query for this to the formidable helpdesk in hope that they can come up with a solution. *hemmm. If only it were easier.
Open to any other ideas toward solving this and looking forward to your help on batch export.
JoshadminKeymaster*And Keymaster said; Let’s have some coffee and discuss this.*
Not sure I understand your question, did the additional file upload fields merge three images to the PDF form?
Are you able to elaborate on the workflow or requirements regarding the need to “export the data, parse out the file links into separate columns and then reimport“.
JoshGuest*coffee? Josh pauses to think…but I don’t even know your name.*
Yes. I had one ‘file upload’ field which was set to ‘allow multiple file uploads’. Thus, whenever someone would upload multiple files, the entries would show up as multiple links, separated by commas, in the CSV (it should be apparent in the previously attached document. Thus, when I tried to create PDFs using the plugin,, the documents would only show the first image and ignore the others.
I have been trying to ‘parse’ these links by using the text to columns function in Excel. This takes the links and places them into separate columns so that I can reimport them back in to separate fields in the forms.
adminKeymaster*Face Palm*
Oh— got it! Yeah, Formidable can figure that one out… Let me know if they can’t.
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JoshGuest*expresses relief*
Ah Thanks. Will look forward to hearing from them tomorrow. In the mean time, please let me know if you have any ideas.
*friendly nudge*
JoshGuestHello Mr/Ms Admin,
Any thoughts on the batch export?
adminKeymasterPaste the link to the FormidablePro.com forum question, and we will work with Formidable with you to find a solution.
adminKeymasterI believe Formidable may find this request to be a need for custom programming. We can offer the service, or Formidable has a list of developers for hire on their site. Send an email to support at formidablepro2pdf dot com if you want an offer from us.